Photo of the Day

young girl playing a piano in a truck in a backyard
October 27, 2015

Ozarks Concerto

On a misty morning in Saint Joe, Arkansas, Terra Fondriest snapped this whimsical image of her daughter playing a piano in the bed of her pickup truck. The piano, purchased at a benefit auction the night before, was a surprise, she says, and her daughter couldn’t wait to try it out. “We had to wait for a friend to come over to help unload,” she explains, “so until then, my daughter [played] tunes while it was in the back of the truck, outdoing all the morning bird chirping and rooster crowing that were also going on.”

This photograph was submitted to the 2015 National Geographic Photo Contest. Submit your best photo for a chance to win.

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Photograph by Terra Fondriest

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