Photo of the Day

a motorcyclist ascending a mountain road, Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco
September 10, 2011

Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco

This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos With Tips From Photographer Catherine Karnow

The inclusion of the motorcycle in this image is essential to understanding the scale of the setting, and that detail is what makes this shot work. Also, a person riding a motorcycle is a far more effective detail than a passing car would have been; we feel the emptiness of the long, winding road even more acutely.

Although the image has great light and the curves make for a graceful composition, it’s not complete without the motorcycle. Getting a shot like this may require a long wait, but a key detail, however small, may make the shot.

Photo Tip: Even if you have to wait a long time for the right kind of detail, it’s worth it if it means capturing the element that makes the shot.

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Photograph by Vlad Min, National Geographic Your Shot

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