Photo of the Day

a man and a woman exercising on Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, California
February 11, 2016

Sweat and Swing

Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, California, has been a popular spot for fitness fanatics since it was first built in the 1930s. It’s also one of Your Shot member Dotan Saguy’s favorite places to photograph “because of the layering opportunities as well as the opportunities to compose ... frames within the frame.” Saguy had been alerted to the main subject of this image and was intrigued by the intense facial expressions the man made during his workouts. “I had been trying many different ideas there,” Saguy writes. “One day [I] was lucky enough to bump into this particular situation which had a strong subject in the foreground and its complete opposite in the background, both of which were framed by the bars.”

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Photograph by Dotan Saguy, National Geographic Your Shot

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