Photo of the Day

a woman seen between the cars of a passing train
August 22, 2012

Woman, Train Platform

This Month in Photo of the Day: Your Photos

"Be sincere: it never crossed your mind to want to see yourself live? You pay attention to living for yourselves, and rightly, with no thought of what in the meanwhile you might be for the others; not because you care nothing about the opinion of others: on the contrary, you care a great deal; but because you live in the blissful illusion that the others, outside, must picture you to themselves as you picture yourself." —Luigi Pirandello

(This photo and caption were submitted to Your Shot.)

What Makes This a Photo of the Day? The framing and simplicity are what work for me here. I like catching a glimpse of this lone woman between the passing cars, imagining that a second later, she would be gone. —Alexa Keefe, Photo of the Day editor

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Photograph by Rossella Scalia, Your Shot

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